2016 Call for Nominations: MATSOL Board of Directors

Show your commitment to the value of the MATSOL and help to shape its future!

The MATSOL Nominations Committee is charged with developing a slate of qualified candidates to fill open positions on the MATSOL Board of Directors. We invite your participation in this important process. Help us identify competent, energetic, committed members of MATSOL to take a leadership role, work on behalf of the organization, and represent MATSOL members and stakeholders. Nominees will be elected by the membership at the MATSOL Annual Meeting on May 5, 2016 at the MATSOL Conference. Nominations are due April 1, 2016.

Basic Qualifications
  • Support for MATSOL’s mission, values, and vision.
  • Willingness to take an active leadership role in MATSOL and make a commitment for your board term.
  • MATSOL membership in good standing for at least one year prior to nomination, with previous participation or leadership in MATSOL activities and initiatives (conference, member meetings, advocacy, publications, etc.).
  • Previous experience on a non-profit board is helpful but not required.
Board Member Commitment

MATSOL’s Board members are expected to:

  • Serve a three-year term from June 2016 to May 2019.
  • Take an active role in the organization
  • Complete organizational tasks and committee work outside Board meetings.
  • Attend all Board of Directors meetings (approximately 1 per month), the Board annual retreat, the MATSOL conference, and occasional special meetings, at locations in the Greater Boston area.
  • Serve on at least one standing committee (Finance, Governance, Program, or External Relations Committees), and attend meetings and complete tasks related to the work of the committee.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing MATSOL’s operations:

  • Membership activities, programs and the annual conference;
  • Advocacy initiatives and responses;
  • Membership development;
  • TESOL affiliate responsibilities;
  • Financial and legal obligations as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Members may self-nominate or by nominated by a colleague. The nominee should complete the Board of Directors Nomination Form with a nomination statement and a current resume. If you are nominating a colleague, please also include a brief statement explaining your recommendation. Email the nomination forms to the address below by midnight, Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

The MATSOL Nominations Committee will contact the nominee for a brief interview, to explain more about being a Board member, and to answer any questions about the position. Members will vote on a slate of nominations for new and returning Board members at the Annual Meeting on May 5, 2016 at the MATSOL 2016 Conference.

More Information

Please review to learn more about MATSOL and the responsibilities of serving on the Board: