MATSOL English Learner Leadership Council (MELLC)

Registration for the 2024-25 school year is open!

The MATSOL English Learner Leadership Council is a group for Directors and Coordinators of English Language Education Programs in Massachusetts. It is a professional community that supports and guides EL educators in the administration of ELE programs at the district level through collaboration and advocacy. 

Meeting topics are planned with member input and current concerns, with a focus on:

  • Information: Get updates on policy and regulation, new ideas/learning, and research from professionals
  • Support, Discussion & Networking: Engage in collaborative discussion and problem solving, network with colleagues around the state, and receive leadership training and support.
  • Advocacy: Learn about and support advocacy initiatives related to the ELE Director role, best practices, and broad view on policy/politics, civil and educational rights.

2024-25 Meeting Dates & Locations

In person meetings will also have a virtual viewing option.

  • Fri 10/11 *New Date!* - In-Person, Fitchburg State University, 8:30 am-2:00 pm
  • Fri 11/8 - Virtual, 9:00-11:00 am 
  • Fri 12/6 - In-Person, Fitchburg State University, 8:30 am-2:00 pm 
  • Fri 2/7 - Virtual, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Fri 3/7 - In-Person, Fitchburg State University, 8:30 am-2:00 pm  - RSVP to this meeting here!
  • Fri 4/4 - Virtual, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Fri 5/2 - In-Person, Fitchburg State University, 8:30 am-2:00 pm 
  • Plus opportunities to meet up at our annual conference on May 28, 29, 30th!

Thank you to Fitchburg State University for hosting the 2024-25 MELLC meetings.


The MELLC E-List is open to MELLC members only. Members are subscribed upon registration but may update their subscriptions online: Read instructions for subscribing to an E-List.

Application for Membership

MELLC is a leadership group that is open to MATSOL members who serve as PK-12 English Learner Education Program Directors or Coordinators. (MELLC is not appropriate for ESL teachers with no administrative responsibilities in an ELE program. Please see our Special Interest Group pages for information on other groups you may join.)

Members applying to join MELLC are asked to verify their roles as an ELE program director or coordinator at the time of application, either by being named as the ELE Director on the DESE website, linking to their profile on the district webpage, or supplying a letter from the ELE Director designating the applicant to attend for the district. 

MELLC Membership Fee

SY24 Fee: $ 350.00 (includes MATSOL membership renewal)

Fee includes: Annual MATSOL membership plus access to all virtual and in person MELLC meetings, resources, and subscription to the MELLC E-List.

Apply for MELLC membership

Payment Information

  • A purchase order (pdf) may be uploaded with your application or emailed to [email protected]
  • Invoices will be sent once your application for MELLC membership is approved
  • Invoices can be paid by PO or credit card. 
  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing.

Please note:

  • Registration is for individuals only, not for shared attendance within a department or district. If more than one person wishes to attend a meeting, each must register separately for MELLC.
  • No pro-rated registration for individual meetings.


View the MELLC Resource Page -- Login required, MELLC members only.

MELLC Steering Committee 

Kerri Lamprey, Wendy Anderson