Supporting Refugee Students
Resources for Educators
Colorín Colorado - Refugee Students These articles, video clips, books, and online resources focus on ways educators can support students and families who are refugees. Materials and guidance include ideas for instruction, matching students and families with needed services, providing important social and emotional support, and ways to welcome students into the school community. In addition, we provide background information from veteran educators and refugee support organizations. View resources...
BRYCS - Bridging Refugee Youth & Children's Services - Resources for Schools Your information hub for empowering immigrant children and their families. BRYCS maintains the nation's largest online collection of resources related to refugee and immigrant children and families. The BRYCS Web site and Clearinghouse is geared towards front-line workers, program planners, and administrators as well as researchers and policy-makers.
Center for Applied Linguistics - Immigrant & Refugee Integration CAL has been a leader in refugee education and orientation since 1975. We have been helping immigrant and refugee newcomers understand fundamental aspects of life in the United States, as well as helping service providers and other interested parties understand the backgrounds, cultures, and linguistic heritage of the new members of their communities. Also see their archived pages with information on specific refugee populations.
U.S. Department of Education - Educational Resources for Immigrants, Refugees, Asylees and other New Americans The programmatic efforts of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) support a number of immigrant populations, including immigrant children (e.g., unaccompanied youth) and the children of immigrants, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) children and youth, immigrant families, adult immigrants (e.g. refugees, asylees), foreign-born professionals, migrant students, teachers of English learners and foreign languages, and receiving communities.
National Association of School Psychologists - Supporting Refugee Children & Youth: Tips for Educators As a result of violence and oppression around the world, many families are forced to flee their countries as refugees. Consequently, schools across the country are welcoming and serving students from diverse nations. These students bring their unique individual cultures and backgrounds while bearing some of the challenges and stresses of the refugee experience.
General Resources
Massachusetts Office for Refugees & Immigrants ORI’s mission is to promote the full participation of refugees and immigrants as self-sufficient individuals and families in the economic, social, and civic life of Massachusetts.The Office administers programs that provide direct services to clients through a network of voluntary resettlement agencies, faith-based organizations and ethnic community-based organizations, which have the capacity to serve the culturally and linguistically diverse needs of newcomer populations.
Office of Refugee Resettlement - Programs and Services by Locality Contact information for resettlement agencies and other organizations providing services to refugees, persons newly granted asylum, or certification as a victim of trafficking, Special Immigrant Visa holders, Cuban/Haitian Entrants, and other populations eligible for benefits and services funded by ORR.
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA Coalition) MIRA Coalition is the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees. We serve the Commonwealth's one million foreign-born residents with policy analysis and advocacy, institutional organizing, training and leadership development, strategic communications, citizenship assistance, and AmeriCorps initiatives that provide capacity-building for community-based organizations. |