Expectations for Online Course Participation

MATSOL online courses provide an engaging and interactive learning experience with activities that promote meaningful interaction between participants and the instructor, including breakout rooms for small group work, polls, chats, discussion boards, and other opportunities for sharing and collaboration.


As a course participant, we expect you to be able to fully engage in this online course, in both the synchronous and asynchronous sessions. During synchronous sessions, MATSOL follows the Massachusetts Professional Development Standards by creating opportunities for participants to collaborate in “...sharing ideas and working together to achieve”  the course’s goals and objectives. Being a visible part of main sessions, participating in discussions and collaborative work during breakout sessions, posting in chat features, and volunteering answers or or asking questions are all signs of active participation in learning.  


Active participation demonstrates professionalism and respect for the work of  the instructor and other members of the learning community.  When all members participate actively, they optimize their own learning so they and their students benefit. 


To participate effectively in synchronous online classes, participants must have a laptop or desktop computer with audio and video capability and strong high speed internet connection. Connecting to class meetings while you are driving or in other circumstances when you are not able to fully attend to or participate in the class is not permitted.