Academic English for English Learners in Math and Science (EL-106)

Increase content comprehension and develop academic language and literacy

✔ Math and science
✔ Middle & high school
✔ 15 PDPs in English Learner Education


Middle and High School Math and/or Science teachers or their supervisors.


This course provides Math and Science teachers at the Middle and High School level with a deeper understanding of how to identify, analyze and develop academic language for English Learners. 

Teachers will be able to apply practiced strategies to their teaching context taking into account the four language domains (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and their students' English proficiency levels. Teachers will examine model STEM texts, state standards for math and science, English language development frameworks, and state model curriculum units to gain expertise in the unique features of the language for Math/Science. Participants collaborate to create lesson plans that increase content comprehension and develop academic language and literacy skills. 

Course Schedule & Registration

View Schedule and Register

Online Format

2 synchronous (live) online sessions plus 3 asynchronous independent work modules (15 hours)

A hybrid format with in-person sessions is available for in-district courses only.


15 PDPs - Fulfills Requirement for 15 PDPs in English Learner Education for recertification.


I learned that although math is very precise, the language is ambiguous, which is why it is imperative to take time to teach our students the academic language for our content.

I now have a toolbox of strategies to use in my classroom. Many of the handouts were incredibly helpful for me improving my practice. 

I learned not to shy away from complex academic language, but to lean into it with supports and recognize levels of proficiency in oral discourse. It is hardest for me to recognize deficiencies in what a student says - most likely because I "assume" or fill in gaps that students have instead of really listening to their language. 

I have more appreciation for what ELs have to go through to understand what non-ELs take for granted everyday regarding language and their understanding of the English language.

Payment & Refund Policies

See MATSOL Course Registration & Payment Policies. Cancellations must be received in writing 10 business days before the first class meeting. 
